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New - GDGGS introduces Toddle as the latest teaching and learning tool to build an engaging IB school community.| Saturday Sports Club offering complementary engaging sports activities for students.

PYP Multilingual Fest-Enrichment



Languages are the most powerful instruments of preserving and developing our tangible and intangible world heritage. All moves to promote the dissemination of mother tongues will serve not only to encourage linguistic diversity and multilingual education but also to develop fuller awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions throughout the world and to inspire solidarity based on understanding, tolerance and dialogue.

– From the United Nations ‘International Mother Language Day.’

Every year, GD Goenka Global hosts the Multilingual Fest to promote inclusion and cultural identities. This event encourages creativity and exploration of multilingual communities.


Field Trips - Enrichment

Field Trips are important to help bridge the gap between education in the classroom and hands-on experiences. They enhance the students critical thinking skills and a chance to think about a topic or theme from a different perspective. Field Trips allow students direct access to tools and environment, they encourage social interaction, erase classroom boredom and help students to become more empathetic. Children who experience holistic development during their school years grow up to become global citizens.

The field trip to Mogly’s Farm by Nursery and grade 1 not only gave the students an opportunity to feed and touch the animals but also the chance to see the animals in a natural habitat. Similarly, a field trip to the ‘Post Office ‘by Kindergarten gave them the opportunity to learn about the different services available in the Post Office such as Registered Post, Money Order and Speed Post. Grade 2 visited the Biodiversity Park and investigated about plant and animal adaptations.

Field trips are recognized as important moments in learning; a shared social experience that provides the opportunity for students to encounter and explore new things.Field trips are experiences that can be recalled and are useful long after a visit.


Information Technology

“Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational.” George Couros

Information technology enables the students to use innovative educational resources to establish a better learning and understanding of the curriculum. It is used as a tool to enhance their learning inside and outside their school environment. Apart from effective communication, IT benefits the students retention and interests.

At G D Goenka, students are exposed to the use of 3 D printing, AR and VR, internet and Cloud computing, Micro Bits, Podcast, Human and Robots, AI, Scratch Coding Software, Hologram Technology, Digital citizenship, Cyber security, photography and future technologies.

IB Authorization

GD Goenka added a feather to their cap by getting an authorization certificate. This is a considerable achievement as IB recognizes the contributions made by all the members of the school community in effectively implementing the Primary Years Programme.

Enrichment Club

Primary Years Programme Exhibition

The PYP exhibition is the culmination of the IB Primary Years Programme. Students explore, document, and share their understanding of an issue or opportunity of personal significance.

They engage in an in-depth, collaborative inquiry while displaying autonomy, agency and action with regard to their learning. It gives them an opportunity to design their learning while exercising the gained skills through their IB PYP years.

The exhibition not only helps them in reflecting on their IB PYP experience as a whole but also equips them in their transition to the next stages of their learning journey.

Parent Community- GDGGS

To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.”

Our aim at GDGGS, is to raise global citizens who are independent and thoughtful learners and take the ownership and pride in their learning. However, the school cannot do this alone. Schools must partner with the parents community to succeed.

Parents play a vital role in the success of a school. Meeting with a teacher about the child’s progress, participating regularly in the celebrations in school or becoming involved with the school as a whole, each parent’s interest in the school helps to improve the school. Parents are given ample opportunities to get involved in their child’s learning.


Some ways in which we at GDGGS involve parents:-

Parent-Teachers Meetings

 Parent-Teachers Meetings are organised twice a year to discuss about the child’s progress and the areas that need reinforcement,.

Student-Led Conference

As a part of Student-Led Conference, students become teachers for a day and explain a concept or give a short demonstration on a topic of their choice.

While participating in Student-Led Conference, students exhibit deeper understanding of the concepts and hence promote student agency. Student-Led Conference, helps to enhance the students confidence and improves their communication and presentation skills.

Parents as guest speaker

Parents often indulge in story sessions, guest lectures and other events in schools like Cultural Day and festivals, where they are invited to share their knowledge with the students.

Three-Way Conference

The purpose of Three-way conferences is to celebrate students’ learning and identifying goals that will improve their progress. It is a time for students, parents and teachers to share the student’s successes as well as to collaboratively discuss ways of supporting students learning goals.


Community Service at GDGGS

No act of kindness is ever wasted.  -Aesop. 

At GDGGS, we’ve developed some ways for students to show empathy and support towards  others. These include voluntarily donating useful things like clothes, books, stationery etc to the helper staff of the school, inviting the NGO’s to the school during events like celebrations, PTMs etc. Our school has collaborated with a few NGOs where our school community regularly shares goodies and essentials with them on special occasions like Christmas and Diwali.


Mindfulness for children can simply be understood as a practice of bringing a gentle, accepting attitude to the present moment.

Practicing mindfulness can help kids notice their emotions. This increase in emotional awareness leads to self-regulation. Being mindful can help kids manage their emotions, tackle challenges, improve classroom participation, grow compassion, and thus enjoy healthy social and emotional development.

Some of the activities taken up during the various mindfulness sessions at GDGGS were Mindful Breathing, Mindful Walking, Meditation, Body Scans, Story Reflections,5 Sense exercise, and Positive Affirmations.

Children have shown a remarkable improvement in self-control with increased focus & attention, ability to resolve conflicts, and overall well-being.
