An activity was conducted with the sweet little Plums(Nursery) to develop their fine motor skills. These…
Data handling is an important aspect of numeracy. It involves collecting, representing and analysing data in…
Plums thoroughly enjoyed the fireless cooking activity. They made yummy, healthy rabbit snacks for themselves…
KG students were introduced to the new unit ” Family” in UOI through provocative questions. Children…
STEM activities provide children with opportunities to develop and practice many different skills and attributes. These include…
In PYP ,teachers and students start off by creating Essential Agreements among them. It means rather than…
GDGGS conducted an activity to welcome the students to provide an insight into the term ‘Organiser ‘…
GD Goenka Global School is home to students from diverse backgrounds and locations across India and the…
Students’ geared up for a fun-filled, energetic, and rocking party under the “Theme Bollywood”. They were…
At the heart of the school philosophy and mission is the International Baccalaureate (IB) learner profile…
Students’ were provocated to the concept of ‘Measurement’ through a ‘Little Chef’ activity in which they…
Glimpses of Peaches C assembly on the topic “Public Places and their function”…
Shanaya and Aahana from strawberries displaying attributes of being reflective while reflecting…
As a part of our current Unit of Inquiry -‘Who We Are ‘ children sharing their Cultural Beliefs…
Manreet while inquiring about “How Public Places develop”, went extra miles and explored about her favourite place – Legoland. She…
While exploring more about the ongoing unit on “Public places”, Shivanshi went for a visit to a ‘Park’….
Students displayed the attribute of being Thinkers while reflecting upon their understanding of the’Even and…
At the heart of the school philosophy and mission is the International Baccalaureate (IB) learner profile…