Students at GDGGS, Sharing Happiness, Friendship, and Togetherness through Art!…
Grade 3 had an interactive sesison with Dr Lucky Shrihari (Vinay’s mother) . She gave a detailed…
“My Face” craft. Strawberries explored the parts of their face through rhymes and “…
Grade 2, Children displayed the attributes of being knowledgeable and displayed their learning through a …
Use of creative thinking skills to exhibit their learning about life cycle of favourite fruit…
Saimaira, GDGGS student of Grade 1, displaying her Self Management Skill while doing an activity on…
Virtual field trips- During this time of the pandemic children are staying indoors to keep themselves safe but, that…
Virtual Assessments- After completing virtual teaching it was time for the assessments. Teachers…
Children enhanced their self-management skills during their online cooking class. Our little chefs …
PTM- A virtual 3 Way conference was conducted for the parents, students and teachers. It served as a…