Students displayed their self- management skills and thinking …
Grade-5 students reflected upon their understanding of Math…
Students displayed the attribute of being Risk-Takers and Thinkers…
Plums A displayed their self- management skills while doing yoga…
Amaira describing herself through adjectives by using her name as a…
Children celebrated Janmashtami by dressing up for the occasion and displayed creativity by decorating…
Children celebrated the 74th Independence Day.
Visual Arts for Plums Art and Artists from Around the…
Students of grade 3 displayed the attribute of being Knowledgeable’ while working on their Summative…
Students enhancing their application and fine-motor skills while reflecting upon their understanding of number…
Visual Arts for Plums Art and Artists from around the world: Claude Monet Recreating “Water Lilies”…
Students displayed the attribute of being knowledgeable, creative and reflective while reflected upor their…
Visual Arts for Peaches “My Creative Galaxy of Aliens” Puppet Making activity. Children watched the story book “Aliens…
Students after listening to the story “The Gingerbread Man” used play dough to make their own gingerbread…
Reyansh Tabdon’s dad Mr Rajat Tandon our guest speaker for today’s session spoke about his…
Students displayed the attribute of being Communicators and Risk-Takers while expressing fictional story…
Students were reflective while expressing a story in different ways…