BY: Amanda Johnson
No one should have to suffer through any stressful crisis alone and this is especially relevant to our children in this strange and overwhelming new world due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Whilst we know, that eventually the lockdowns will be lifted, bringing some level of normalcy in our lifestyle behaviors, we must all wait patiently as the world’s leaders, medical governing bodies and WHO vie to come up with a vaccine which will hopefully ensure that we can resume our roles in life once more.
What we are not fully aware of as yet, is the negative impact this current situation may be having on our children…our future generation.
Children can have all kinds of big emotions without us even realising…that is not saying, that we as adults are not ‘tuned in’ to our little ones, it is merely acknowledging that, added to our own insecure thoughts of financial hardships, uncertainties and emotional overload, now more than ever, our children need complete protection and are looking to us for strength and guidance in understanding why ours and their everyday routines have changed so dramatically.
‘Children do as children see’ is something we should all affiliate with and how we handle the situation in our homes is undoubtedly a key factor in their emotional welfare, for we are their anchor. The coronavirus may not have directly knocked at our doors for the moment, but we are all still in a very vulnerable phase. Social distancing thus far, has proved to be a valuable warrior in our fight against this pandemic, but let’s not get complacent. The battle will still continue, even as global lockdowns ease, until we are rid of this unwelcome intruder…the world as we knew it will take time to heal.
COVID-19 doesn’t need to be our enemy, with a change of perspective and time for adjustment, positive action within the family unit can easily melt away the boredom and anxiety and connect us all in completely new ways. Routines, school work, story time and even household tasks can easily be turned into familyfun activities. I have included some live links for you all to have a look through. Whilst we all have ample time on our hands… LET’S MAKE IT COUNT!